Fibonacci estimation guide
Estimates don’t need to be accurate, they need to be consistent. Our velocity corrects for the inaccuracy of our estimates. Estimates on tasks are meant to be relative to other estimates on tasks. When we think of an estimate, we need to compare the tasks to other tasks in the past in order to evaluate consistently.
1 point
The smallest unit of work. A task that has been done many times and is not dependent on any other people. No review is required.
2 points
A task that is fully known and has been done before. May require a review before being complete.
3 points
A task that has multiple factors. There are no unknowns but will require a review which may result in back and forth.
5 points
A large task which you feel comfortable completing. This may be something you have not done before but is not very complex.
8 points
A task that has external dependencies or multiple people. May require you to research an aspect of this task.
13 points
A complex task that you have not done before and has external dependencies. This task may require pairing with another person.
21 point
You’re doing this wrong. You should consider splitting this task into smaller tasks. If you cannot split this then this task should be completely unknown.
Last updated 29 days ago.